I have had lots of blog post ideas this year, but they were all put on hold because I have been hard at work on a pet project of mine. For a long time, I have wanted to put a workbook into the hands of couples to help explain healing through attachment principles using what I have learned through a combination of clinical and research practices. I am hoping this will benefit couples all along the romantic connection spectrum. I’m convinced that safe attachment in couples benefits the greater community. The physical copy won’t be released until September 22, 2020 (which I consider a very fortuitous date), but the E-book can be previewed and delivered earlier here. I want to thank all the couples who have taught me so much throughout the therapeutic process–I am always learning new things from my couples and feel incredibly blessed to be allowed into a very sacred and beautiful space of human connection daily. I love my job!
481 E 1000 S suite D Pleasant Grove, UT 84062